Overview and key topics:

In this special edition of our weekly data show, we’ll reveal how online shopping behaviour is evolving and what you can do to improve your customer experience. We’ll cover all aspects of the customer funnel, providing essential benchmarking data and helping you to identify areas for improvement. We’ll also look at what impact the cost-of-living crisis has had on key metrics, including: conversion, average basket, acquisition, and many more.

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Four key webinar themes:

  • Understanding the customer and how you can meet their expectations in 2023
  • Enhancing the entire customer journey, from interest to post-purchase
  • Analysis of key online metrics and tips on how to convert more customers
  • Fulfilling the customer promise to boost customer acquisition and loyalty
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Theme 1 – Understanding the customer

14:00 – 14:05IMRG trend indicator: An introduction to customer behaviour trends
Andy Mulcahy, Strategy and Insight Director at IMRG
What indicators are we seeing in our data that show where customer behaviour and expectations are changing?
14:05 – 14:15Surviving 2023 with a full funnel marketing strategy
Hetal Patel, Client Development Director, Epsilon
When times are tough, as they currently are, most companies need to “do more with less”. In this webinar we seek you to instead think of “working smarter not harder” by taking the risk of adopting a full funnel marketing strategy to set yourself up for the best success in 2023.
14:15 – 14:20IMRG trend indicator: How is the online market performing? Andy Mulcahy, Strategy and Insight Director at IMRGShowcasing the very latest week of data and insight from IMRG’s industry-leading online sales tracker
14:20 – 14:35Panel: Keeping the customer satisfiedWhat areas of the customer experience should retailers be focusing on to improve performance?

Theme 2 – On-site experience

14:35 – 14:40IMRG trend indicator: retail site landing pages pt I Matthew Walsh, Retail Data Director at IMRGWhere do customer journeys begin on retail sites, and how do they navigate product catalogues?
14:40 – 14:50Just One Thing:

IMRG & Lucidworks

Actionable Recommendations from the IMRG & Lucidworks Customer Acquisition & Retention Report
14:50 – 14:55IMRG trends indicator: retail site landing pages pt II Matthew Walsh, Retail Data Director at IMRGWhere do customer journeys begin on retail sites, and how do they navigate product catalogues?
14:55 – 15:10Panel: Convincing the customerHow can retailers present visitors with the best on-site experiences to help aid conversion?

Theme 3 – Converting customers

15:10 – 15:15IMRG trend indicator: Is conversion up or down in your category? Matthew Walsh, Retail Data Director at IMRGA look at whether conversion rates have risen or declined across 2023 in a number of online retail categories
15:15 – 15:25How digital leaders are using product experiences to drive great customer experiences.
Jasher Fry, Enterprise Account Executive at Akeneo
15:25 – 15:30IMRG trend indicator: Are there signs of conversion improving at the checkout? Matthew Walsh, Retail Data Director at IMRGFrom the point at which people add something to their basket to pressing complete purchase at the checkout, are we seeing any improvements in conversion?
15:30 – 15:45Panel: Tips for increasing conversionHow can retailers increase the chances of visitors converting to buyers on site?

Theme 4 – Fulfilling on the customer promise

15:45 – 15:50Are you acquiring as many customers as you should? Pt I
Matthew Walsh
IMRG’s latest data study enables you to compare your performance against industry new customer acquisition rates
15:50 – 16:00IMRG and AdobeTBC
16:00 – 16:15Panel: The post-purchase experienceOnce a customer completes at the checkout, the overall experience is either made or broken by what happens next; how can the chances of a quality experience be increased?
16:15 – 16:20Are your customers staying with you as long as they should? Pt II
Matthew Walsh
IMRG’s latest data study enables you to compare your performance against industry customer retention rates
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