Q3 2016/17 (August to October 2016)

  • The penetration rate of sales made on mobile devices increased from 51% in Q2 2016 to 53% in Q3 2016.
  • Traffic via mobile devices (including tablets) remained the same at 66%.
  • Click & collect increased from 25% in Q2 2016 to 29% in Q3 2016 for multichannel retailers. This is the largest quarterly increase and the highest rate IMRG have tracked.
  • Basket and checkout abandonment on tablets have both increased, to 61% and 28% respectively.
  • Checkout abandonment rates on smartphones decreased 38%, 1% down from Q2.
  • Bounce rates on smartphones increased to 37%.
  • The active customer retention rate dipped to 35% in Q3, from 36% in Q2 2016.
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