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Andrew Martin in the Spotlight
“IMRG is really well organised and is hugely beneficial in the way they bring together industry experts to discuss best practice and learnings. The market insight that we receive is invaluable in benchmarking Andrew Martin’s performance against the rest of the market.”

Revolution Beauty in the Spotlight
“IMRG insights provide us with the market context that enables Revolution Beauty to understand where we are doing well & where we need to improve. All of this data and insight feeds into our optimisation & customer roadmap.”

Space NK in the Spotlight
“Being able to see data trends from similar sized businesses and those within the same sector is hugely beneficial for me and my team. Being able to compare your own trends gives you either comfort or concern! Sharing successes and failures is definitely where we benefit most from being part of the IMRG community.”
Join the IMRG membership community
Discover how our various membership packages can help you grow your business and prepare for the future of ecommerce.
Our membership is made up of over 14,000 ecommerce professionals and partners from companies of all sizes, and all industries.

Regular access to industry data via your dashboard, followed with the opportunity to deep dive into specific topics and network at your frequent lunches.
Paul Hornby, Digital Customer Experience Director, The Very Group