What is IMRG’s Daily Tracker?
IMRG’s new daily reporting tool will provide you with our most granular metrics yet!
The data is sourced from over 90 retailers in IMRG’s tracking index, pulled directly from GA4 daily, that will show how 85 metrics change across the year, including major retail events.
Metrics include:
- Share of traffic and revenue by marketing channel
- Site navigation
- Customer funnel
- Average selling price per item
- Start, exit, and bounce rates
Am I an eligible?
The event is free to attend for Retailers. To ensure a relevant experience for all attendees, limited free seats are available for non-members who meet the following eligibility criteria:
- Retailers who hold a manager-level position or higher within their organisation.
- Retailers who represent a retail business with an annual turnover of £2 million or more.
By adhering to these criteria, we aim to create an environment where attendees can network with peers facing similar challenges and opportunities.
Am I an eligible solution provider?
This event is only free to attend for retailers.
If you’re a solution provider eager to attend this event, we encourage you to book a time in our calendar to explore the unique sponsorship opportunities available.