This breakfast networking event (28 June) will reveal how Google Analytics 4 will affect the online retail industry and how you can use the latest update to your advantage.

This is your chance to learn from other retailers about how they are finding the software and whether it has generated positive or negative results for their retail business. Industry experts will be at hand to help you navigate GA4, providing you with knowledge on how to make the most out of the opportunity.

Will GA4 help retailers to better understand traffic and conversion on their retail sites? In which ways is it more or less effective than previous versions of Google Analytics? Do retailers like the shift to events – rather than session-based data? Is the shift to cookieless retail desirable? We will discuss all of these questions and more, alongside the things you wish to bring to the table.

*** Please note that this is a retailers only event.***

Key Takeaways

  • IMRG Icons-05

    Overcome challenges

    Discuss any challenges that you’re facing regarding GA4 implementation

  • IMRG Icons-03

    Discover opportunities

    Find out which opportunities exist surrounding GA4

  • IMRG Icons-25

    Best practice

    Discover best practice for implementing GA4

  • Register For This Event